It's Been Awhile

I can’t believe I haven’t posted in this blog since 2016. I’ve been busy, but let me catch you up!

We moved from San Diego and headed to Bethesda Maryland where my husband was in his Periodontist residency. We had a wonderful time until the pandemic hit all of us really hard. Fast forward to now and we just picked up and moved again- that’s military life! We are now stationed in Connecticut and building our very first house.

I am going to continue my business here and keep telling peoples stories.

I’ve added a new page to my website! Some highlights of my magazine work I did while in the DMV area. Make sure to check it out!

As we still continue to live in these weird, heartbreaking times, I’ll make sure to make everyone feel safe while wearing a mask, keeping 6 feet apart and of course doing my part in being vaccinated.

Always remember to be kind during this time xo


I'll miss you NY!

Hi Everyone! I am sad (and happy at the same time) that I will be moving to San Diego at the end of July. This, unfortunately, means I can not except any jobs after July 20th. I will be making planned NYC trips in the future, but won't have those official dates, until after I am settled in my new home. I always love to travel- so don't be afraid to ask! Looking forward to the adventures awaiting and the future of Catherine May Taylor Photography. xoxo